How to get this exciting Modern way to Communicate with Students and Parents using their Smart Devices!

No Installation!
New Features!

No Installation: MarkBook® CONNECT requires no installation whatever.
Features: Parents may receive reports from each Student with included Progress Reports as .PDF attachments!
Secure: Class data is sent as HTML5/CSS3 readable packets to verified targets: Enrolled Parents and/or Students.
Convenient: View each Student's Assessments in one convenient, secure portalent!
Inexpensive: incIuded with each MarkBook®App Account.
Step 1️⃣Login to MarkBook
Setup and validate a MarkBook® Account.
If you already have a MarkBook® Account, go to the CONNECT Dashboard to register the next step.
Step 2️⃣

Step 3️⃣

Step 4️⃣
Login to MarkBook® CONNECT
Register using your MarkBook® credentials...
with email addresses for Students and/or Parents, verify a secure CONNECTion with their smart mobile devices or computers.
Step 5️⃣
Register Classes and Targets
Send Student Assessment Data to them...
... automatically view Enrolled Student marks in any Browser on any smart device On-Demand!

Step 6️⃣

Step 7️⃣
Teacher Transparency
Teacher Records are accessibles as soon they are released... 
Step 8️⃣
Student Accountability
Review Teacher Records for each assessment...
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